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In 1992 the Institute established international contacts both in the field of research and in the field of science intensive production sales.

In R&D area the Institute carries out works under the orders of a number of foreign organizations, such as Los Alamos National Laboratory (NL), Sandia NL; Lawrence Livermore NL, Brookhaven NL, Oak Ridge NL of the US Department of Energy, the Joint Research Center of the European Union; the Institute for Transuranium Elements (Karlsruhe, Germany), the Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen (Ispra, Italy), and others.

Research and development work is carried out in the following areas:

  • nuclear material control and accounting;
  • complex engineering systems safety;
  • materials behavior under large heat and shock loads;
  • nuclear and radioactive material non-proliferation.

The Institute’s specialists are frequent participants in international conferences and symposia where their reports provoke great interest of scientists and specialists.

International conference Nuclear Weapon Technology for Solving Safety Problems