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The Institute’s social policy is aimed at keeping the professional staff and creating the environment for fruitful and high-quality work.

VNIIA provides all the employees and retirees with permanent timely medical care at the polyclinic located at the premises of the Institute, and at hospitals # 83, 85, and 119.

There is a children summer camp and a year-round recreation center located in Domodedovo district near Moscow. There is a kindergarten available for the children and grandchildren of the employees. The Institute subsidizes nutrition, education & training, recreation, medical treatment, sports and social events.

The premises are refurbished taking into account modern design requirements, and the Institute’s territory is made more comfortable.

At the Institute you can attend a gymnasium, fitness and chess groups; ping-pong competitions are held.

Театральная студия в детском саду Theatrical performance in the kindergarten

There are opportunities to go info alpine skiing, swimming, tennis, and soccer. There are regular social events, corporate parties, concerts, and tours.

База отдыха Recreation center Футбольная команда ВНИИА VNIIA football team