Рус Eng

VNIIA has designed a wide range of pressure transducers and relays meant for automated I&C systems in petroleum, chemical and atomic industry

The Institute has Licenses for design and manufacture of equipment for NPP, a certificate of conformance to the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001-2001 issued by the “Military Register” voluntary certification system.

Pressure transducers developed by VNIIA are used for measuring all kinds of pressure of liquids and gases: absolute excess, vacuum, etc.

They are remarkable for a wide range of pressures measured with high precision and stability, ease of operation, broad temperature range, explosion-proof version, and version for NPP.

The transducers are capable of transforming the measured value into a uniform current and/or digital signal.

Electronic modules for pressure transducers

Currently VNIIA is serially producing "smart" pressure transducers with better performance, achieved due to the recommendations from the operating organizations.

   Smart pressure transducers for petroleum industry                 Smart pressure transducers for atomic industry

Smart pressure transducers successfully passed comparative tests together with sensors of other manufacturers at the operating NPP units and were included into the new NPP projects, since they demonstrated the best performance of all.

The specific features of smart pressure transducers are:

  • output signal in digital form;
  • remote control;
  • LCD indicator;
  • transducer self-diagnostics in the background mode;
  • electronic board for lightning-protection in a stand-alone unit, which is easy to replace during operation.

The transducers and relays are produced serially in several versions. Currently, about 100 pressure transducers and relays are successfully operated at petroleum facilities, as well as Kalinin NPP, Kursk NPP, Novovoronezh NPP, Smolensk NPP, Balakovo NPP, Rostov NPP, Kola NPP, Bilibino NPP.

Equipping with VNIIA transducers is a part of the future NPP projects in Russia and abroad: Leningrad NPP-2, Novovoronezh NPP-2, Kursk NPP-2, Belarus NPP.

"Sadko" Pressure Relays

"Catalog - Pressure transducers for nuclear facilities" pdf,3.26 Mb

"Catalog - pressure transducers and relays for general industrial applications" pdf, 8.51 Mb

Certificates, licenses


Title, document #, due date Issued by

Certificate of conformity, # TS RU C-RU. GB05.V.00525 for pressure transducers ТЖИУ406 (ТЖИУ406, ТЖИУ406A, ТЖИУ406D, ТЖИУ406V, ТЖИУ406IV) (TU 4212-005-07623885-99 (ТЖИУ.406233.001TU) with 1ExdIIBT4 marking. Serial production. From 30.04.2014 to 30.04.2019 pdf, 1.29 Mb

Certification center of explosion-proof and mining electrical equipment

Certificate of conformity # TS RU C-RU. GB05.V.00526 on "Sadko 44" pressure difference relay (ТЖИУ.406422.001TU) and overpressure relay "Sadko 107" (ТЖИУ u406423.001TU) with 1ExdIIBT4 marking. Serial production. From 30.04.2014 to 30.04.2019 pdf, 1.24 Mb

Certification center of explosion-proof and mining electrical equipment

Certificate of approval of measuring instruments type RU.S30.004.A # 53839 on ТЖИУ406, ТЖИУ406-M100 pressure transducers. From 23.01.2014 to 23.01.2019 pdf, 2.67 Mb

Federal Agency on Technical Regulation and Metrology

Certificate of conformity # TS RU C-RU.GB05.V.00128 for ТЖИУ406-M100-Vn pressure transducers (ТЖИУ406DI-M100-Vn, ТЖИУ406DA-M100-Vn, ТЖИУ406DD-M100-Vn, ТЖИУ406DV-M100-Vn, ТЖИУ406DIV-M100-Vn) - TU 4212-005-07623885-99 (ТЖИУ.406233.001 TU2); ТЖИУ406-M100-AS-Vn (ТЖИУ406DI-M100-AS-Vn, ТЖИУ406DA-M100-AS-Vn, ТЖИУ406DD-M100-AS-Vn, ТЖИУ406DV-M100-AS-Vn, ТЖИУ406DIV-M100-AS-Vn) TU 4212-005-07623885-99 (ТЖИУ.406233.001 TUZ) with 1ExdIIBT4 marking. Serial production. From 04.09.2013 to 04.09.2018 pdf, 4.54 Mb

Certification center of explosion-proof and mining electrical equipment

Certificate of approval of measuring instruments type RU.S.30.004.A #43532 on ТЖИУ406-M100-AC pressure transducer. Until 15.08.2016 pdf, 5.64 Mb

Federal Agency on Technical Regulation and Metrology

Certificate of measuring instruments type approval of ТЖИУ406-M100-Vn transducers # 9678 from 10.09.2013 to 30.05.2018 pdf, 1.73 Mb

Committee for Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of Kazakhstan

Certificate of conformity # ROSS RU. 0001.01AE00.77.10.2960 for pressure ТЖИУ406-M100-AU transducers (models ТЖИУ406DA-M100-AS, ТЖИУ406DA-M100-AS-Vn, ТЖИУ406DI-M100-AS, ТЖИУ406DI-M100-AS-Vn, ТЖИУ406DV-M100-AS, ТЖИУ406DV-M100-AS-Vn, ТЖИУ406DIV-M100-au, ТЖИУ406DIV-M100-AS-Vn, ТЖИУ406DD-M100-AS, ТЖИУ406DD-M100-AS-Vn) manufactured according to TU 4212-005-07623885-99 (ТЖИУ. 406233.001.ACE) from 30.04.2014 to 29.04.2017 pdf, 3.79 Mb

System of certification for equipment, products and technologies for nuclear installations, radiation sources and storage vaults

Certificate of approval of measuring instruments type RU.S.30.004. A for ТЖИУ406-M100-Vn pressure transducer until 30.05.2018. pdf, 1.12 Мб

Federal Agency on Technical Regulation and Metrology


Title, document #, date of issue Issued by, validity period

License for right to design equipment for nuclear power plants, # CO-11-101-8114 pdf, 563 Kb

Federal environmental, industrial and nuclear supervision service of Russia, until 11.08.2019.

License for right to design equipment for nuclear power plants, # CO-12-101-8126 pdf, 615 Kb

Federal environmental, industrial and nuclear supervision service of Russia, until 13.08.2019.

"Evaluation of customer satisfaction" questionnaire doc, 118 Kб

For technical questions, contact the development department +7 (499) 972-5773;
for procurement +7 (495) 681-5224.

Pressure transducers and relays