Рус Eng

Meter unit from INPA

Meter unit from INPA

Detection units DU1 and DU2

Detection units DU1 and DU2

Detection unit DU3

Detection unit DU3

INPA is a complex meant for automated measurements of neutron flux with energy of 2.5 and 14MeV of low-frequency (1-100 Hz) and high-frequency (0.4-10 kHz) from pulsed neutron generator (PNG), as well as continuous neutron flux generators. INPA complex is listed in the State Register of measuring instruments. INPA is capable of connecting to a personal computer (PC).

Function and composition of device

INPA complex has three modifications.

Modification with DU1

Designed for measuring neutron output per pulse with 14 MeV energy from low-frequency neutron generators based on vacuum neutron tube.

The device includes:

  • meter unit (MU);
  • detection unit DU1;
  • cable to connect MU and detection unit;
  • cable to connect MU with a PC;
  • power cable.

Modification with DU2

Designed for measuring neutron flux with 14 MeV neutron energy from high-frequency or continuous generators based on gas-filled neutron tube.

The device includes:

  • meter unit (MU);
  • detection unit DU2;
  • cable to connect MU and detection unit;
  • cable to connect MU with a PC;
  • power cable.

Modification with DU3

Designed for measuring both neutron output with 2.5MeV energy from low-frequency pulsed neutron generators based on vacuum neutron tube, and neutron flux with MeV energy from high-frequency and continuous neutron generators based on gas-filled neutron tube.

The device includes:

  • meter unit (MU);
  • detection unit DU3;
  • cable to connect MU and detection unit;
  • cable to connect MU with a PC;
  • power cable.


Measured value Measurement range Basic relative error within (%)
(P = 0.95)
14-MeV neutron output per pulse from PNG based on vacuum tube От 7,0·105 to 1,0·1011 ±22
Average 14-MeV neutron flux from PNG based on gas-filled tube (1/s) От 2,5·105 to 2,0·1011 ±14
2.5-MeV neutron output per pulse from PNG based on vacuum tube От 1,5·105 to 1,0·109 ±22
Average 2.5-MeV neutron flux from PNG based on gas-filled tube (1/s) От 1,5·105 to 5,0·109 ±14

Meter unit can be connected to PC. The device is delivered to the Customer with the software for PC. The software automates the measurement process and provides for:

  • real-time display of the neutron flux during the measurement;
  • visualization of dynamics of changing neutron flux during exposure in a form of graph;
  • display of the average neutron flux for the exposure and the variation coefficient after measuring.


DU1 and DU2 use silicon diodes with effective threshold of neutron detection of 5 MeV making them barely sensitive to scattered radiation. Accordingly, it is permissible to locate DU1, DU2 next to walls, floor, etc
DU3 is based on He3 counters.

INPA is remarkable for:

  • low sensitivity to gamma-rays;
  • simple control and reliability in operation;
  • automation of process of neutron flux measurement from PNG.

INPA Software

Window of INPA.exe software when displaying dynamics of neutron flux changes over time. pdf, 0.045 Mb

Automatic neutron flux meters are listed in the State Register of measuring instruments

Certificate of type approval of measuring instruments RU.C.38.046.A #45763 pdf, 0.221 Мб